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【招聘】Yalla集团招聘Business Executive

2024-7-23 00:00| 发布者: 暮然回首你已离| 查看: 756| 评论: 25|原作者: 暮然回首你已离|来自: http://find.dubairen.com/2024/07/23/%e3%80%90%e6%8b%9b%e8%81%98%e3%80%91yalla%e9%9b%86%e5%9b%a2%e6%8b%9b%e8%81%98business-executive/

【招聘】Yalla集团招聘Business Executive
Location: Dubai
1. Global Providers/Partners Outsourcing: Identify and expand relationships with global suppliers and partners.
2. Providers/Partners Cooperation: Conduct business negotiations based on budget and cost control requirements to secure better terms. Support the contracting and implementation processes in line with compliance requirements of both parties.
3. Providers/Partners Management: Maintain regular communication with suppliers, manage documentation, archive records, and track progress within the company's internal management system.
4. Other Overseas Communication: Handle additional overseas communication tasks as needed.
1. Experience: 1-3 years of work experience, with a good command of business and workplace etiquette.
2. Communication Skills: Fluent in English communication, with strong written expression abilities.
3. Attention to Detail: Patient and meticulous, able to review and assess quotation proposals and contracts.
4. Preferred Qualifications: Prior work experience in similar internet companies or procurement is preferred.
The contact information: [email protected]





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